Brandon Ezzo
President & Treasurer of the Board

Brandon is a loving father, husband, and servant of Christ who has always had a career trajectory with helping others in a hands-on way. He has a Bachelors in Exercise Science, a Masters in Adapted Physical Activity, and a Masters in Occupational Therapy. He began his career working one-on-one with children with disabilities which progressed to working with children with special needs in a classroom setting at a private school. He now works as an occupational therapist at a hand clinic as well as working with both adults and children on the weekends.

Brandon understands the current nature of education and realizes that now, more than ever, children need more attention and resources than what may be available to them in the classroom. Brandon’s draw to Whetstones was the idea of assisting all individuals to succeed in school participation with no special interests, ulterior motives, or strings attached. Giving students the help they need when they need it. He also understands the role occupational therapy plays in school success.